We had a great turnout for move-in yesterday, despite the heat. Our school was a flurry of sand, tiny spiders, and people standing around wondering where things belonged. Thank goodness for Teacher Jenn!
Curtains were hung, books were shelved, the dishwasher was pondered over by a team of dads for a long time (presumably with some resolution... I was too busy wiping down the princess shoes and throwing out broken firefighter hats to notice), drills were lost and found. We finally left the building with the boxes back inside, most of them full to the brim, but plenty that were emptied optimistically but incorrectly, all ready for Teacher Jenn to put in order.
TJ has had a busy day today getting the school organized and ready for our friends to begin in a mere nine days' time! What a hero.
Orientation is on Monday, so I should remind you to bring your purple folders! Everyone's completed them, right?
I'll be selling overstock of OCP shirts and some secondhand ones (purple and tie-dye) as we are looking for a new online supplier for the branded stuff. I'll keep you updated in the coming weeks about this.
Don't forget the back to school party that the Morris family are hosting at their home on Saturday August 10th at 2pm. We are promised food, drinks, a bounce house and some unspecified water fun. Thanks for hosting, Morrises!
See you all at 6.30pm for Orientation fun. Bring a chair, some fun facts about your family and money for the raffle!
