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OCP 2021-2022 Year in Review

There is a line from a Spanish poem that also happens to be the name of one of my favorite books that has become a sort of life motto for myself: Se hace camino al andar, We make the road by walking.

I was reminded of this phrase many times this year, and each time I was filled with gratitude for the people and community that I made the road with this year. Because with our combined teamwork, kindness, creativity, and trust we were able to bring OCP back to life after a year of uncertainty and great change. And what a beautiful space we created this year with so many wonderful and creative learning moments! From the beginning of the year orientation to holidays and birthday parties, to an epic garage sale, and two amazing open houses, we shared our strengths and supported each other in times of need to make this year one I know I will always remember.

This past weekend we celebrated our OCP graduates at our Growing and Going Celebration. All dressed up in their purple caps and gowns, the kiddos performed a few of their favorite songs from Pre-K and shared the things they loved learning about (volcanoes, rainbows, butterflies, and flowers were all a big hit this year) and the things they want to try when they get bigger (parachuting, archaeology, and fashion modeling).

Graduations are always bittersweet, especially with such curious, kind, and creative kiddos who make coming to work every day wondrous, but I’m so excited to see what adventures this cohort will get into next! Truly every single OCPer has grown tremendously this year, and it has been an honor to witness and be a part of that learning and growing.

OCP Growing & Going Picnic 2022

So as this school year comes to a close and the spring days grow longer as summer comes closer, I’m looking forward to some time to explore new ideas and projects for next year. I’m excited for the new beginnings that always come with endings and changes.

To all that we will continue to create together in our OCP community, we make the road by walking and I am grateful to walk it with you all!

-Teacher Cait

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