Working Parent Shift:
Work 1 shift from 8:40 am to 12:15 pm per month for each number of days your child attends per week.
One on-call "E-Parent" shift per month.
Membership Meetings:
OCP has 4 required membership meetings and 1 orientation meeting which are held in the evening during the school year.
All member families are required to participate in at least one monthly Housekeeping shift where you and a team of families will clean the OCP classroom. The number of shifts is determined by your child's enrollment.
Take on a Job:
Each member family in a cooperative preschool also performs a job for the school, be it social media coordinator, clothing caretaker, craft family, music enrichment, laundry, snack purchaser, or Board President everyone has a job to do!
Being an affordable preschool and a non-profit, OCP relies heavily on fundraising throughout the year. As a family, you will participate in dine-outs, our garage sale, auction and other fundraising endeavors to benefit OCP!
Being a part of the OCP Community:
Joining a co-op means becoming part of a larger community of like-minded families. Occasionally OCP families are called upon to support one another or the school in additional ways be it a meal train for a family in need or an act of community service like a park clean-up day. OCP strives to have a positive impact on the lives of our families and the Burbank Community.