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Sign up the number of days per month your child attends per week.  Please remember that signs-ups are a request, not a guarantee. Some months we have more parents than shifts; other times vice versa.  Our scheduler works very hard to ensure that work assignments are made using a fair process, and by satisfying as many requests as possible.  If you do not sign up, shifts will be assigned to you.  

When all three "working parent" spots are filled, you may sign up by making a note in the comments section on the day/days you are available to work..  Please ensure that all working parent shifts are filled on EVERY day your child attends before leaving such a comment.  You must sign up for your required number of days, whether by filling a working parent shift, or by leaving a comment if no working parent shifts are available.  Siblings should be noted in the comments; remember - one sibling per day.  Vacations, etc.  may also be noted in the comments.  

Sign up calendars will be available from the 15th until the 20th for the following month.  We will use this online service for sign ups ONLY (i.e. not for finalizing or switching shifts).  You will receive an email confirmation after you sign up for shifts - this is a confirmation of your request ONLY.  Your actual working shifts will be communicated to you when the working parent calendar is posted.  

After the sign up period has closed, the schedule will be posted here within 3-5 days.  

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Our Children's Place
Mailing Address:

P. O. Box 1335
Burbank, CA 91507-133

Physical Address:

3715 W Pacific Avenue

Burbank, CA 91505


(818) 934-1488


Encouraging children's natural sense of wonder, imagination,
and desire to learn since 1992.

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CCPPNS Member School

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