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At OCP, we do not believe that food allergies should prevent any child from attending and participating in school activities.

Throughout the years we have had children with all kinds of different food allergies including peanuts, strawberries, wheat and gluten. Any food allergies documented by a physician will be honored and those food items will not be served for snack, used as an art supply, or in any classroom project.

We maintain an allergen-free facility and adhere to this commitment even on field trips, whether in-house or out-of-school. A child-specific action plan is posted in the classroom pertaining to each allergy. Epi-pens and/or other allergy medications are safely stored but easily accessible in case of a reaction. Our teacher is certified in use of an Epi-pen and in childhood CPR.

If your child is a prospective enrollee and you have allergen concerns, please contact us so that we can discuss our allergen-free commitment in greater detail.

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